My cousin Kania and I went to the park and had a ton of fun.
Even with the staring eyes of kids and their parents.
I find it weird that people think that Earth is hell. How do they wake up every morning?
What drives them to be better if they think that Earth is hell?
When I think of Hell I think of eternal doom and sadness. I don't understand how they cannot see the beauty all around.
To know sadness and pain you have to have some sort of concept of happiness and joy. To get to the point of realizing that Earth is hell they have to have juxtaposed something good with the bad that is hell. And since I don't think they are aliens the good that they juxtaposed hell with must have been experienced on Earth.
I'm not sure if any of this makes sense but, it was on my mind and I felt like writing something about it.
So, I did.