Monthly Reads: The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck & Steal Like an Artist

By Imani Johnson - January 18, 2017

I recently decided that I was going to read a book a month. 

For some of you avid readers you're probably thinking, "A book a month! Thats baby's work, try a book a week!"
And for some of you non-avid book readers you're thinking, "I wish I could read a book a month. One book takes me a couple of months, every time I open a book my eyes begin to close."

But, yes, I decided that  a book a month should be easy enough to do since I also have to take in consideration that I'm a full time student who also wants to spend sometime on her own projects. 
The reason why I challenged myself to read a book a month was because when I was younger I used to read so much. I'm talking about finishing a 200 page book in a day type reading. Once I picked up a book, I couldn't put it down. My mom used to say I didn't take my time to actually enjoy the books I read. But, obviously I did if I was so invested and interested in the book that I had to finish it. 

I want to rekindle that feeling of being lost in a good book.

 Another reason why I decided to embark on this challenge is to broaden my vocabulary and become a better writer. 

Now, I don't think my vocabulary sucks, but, wanting to improve it can be helpful and necessary when I go out in to "the real world." 

I read something a while ago that said reading more helps you to become a better writer. Of course practicing writing is also another way to improve it and I will be doing a lot of that this semester. I'm taking a college writing class and I plan on Blogging a lot more so, I will be getting tons of practice. The reason behind wanting to improve my writing is to produce better content for my blogs, and of course, it would be another practical tool to have in "the real world." 

In the summertime, when I'm out of school it might change from a book a month to two books a month. But, you're just gonna have to stay tuned to find out!

Anyways, you guys should feel special. Instead of reading only one book for you guys I read two! You know, your girl had to bring in this new year strong!!

Let's just take a brief moment to acknowledge my baby hairs!

The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck is a self-help, motivational, and inspirational book. But, this book gives you basically all the opposite advice that any other self-help book will tell you. Instead of telling you to think positive and that you are special, this book is brutally honest and will tell you everything you don't want to hear but need to. It will tell you that your emotions are overrated, and that you are indeed not special at all.

Yes, it does sound negative, and yes, you will feel extremely uncomfortable while reading this book. But, you will learn that in order to change your life and be happy you need to weather through the storm. Stop avoiding all the negative and uncomfortable things in your life because in essence avoiding them is causing your unhappiness. Pain is necessary to be happy.

This is only one of the 'hard pill to swallow' lessons you will be encountering as you read this book. So, I suggest getting a highlighter, putting on your big girl/boy pants and get to reading.
You will come to the realization that you, a person who may think they have their whole entire life together or you who may not have everything figured out but think its you against the world, is indeed an entitled asshole with messed up values (but the book is there to help you).

I actually really enjoyed the book and would suggest it to everybody even people who've already mastered not giving a f*ck because there are lessons for everybody to learn and if you don't learn anything it at leasts gives you some food for thought.

Steal Like an Artist gives you tips on becoming a more creative person and how to get those creative juices flowing. This is the type of book you will reach for every once in a while to get motivated and inspired to create something. It's a really fast read you can knock it out in about an hour and is filled with many good quotes and interesting pictures (for those adults who enjoy picture books).

The biggest thing I took away from this book is that I need some role models/ mentors who are doing what I want to do so that I can steal from them and be inspired by what they create and their ideas. So, that I can take it and improve on it, make it better, make it my own.

Next months Monthly Reads book already came in so be on the look out if you enjoy these types of posts!!

 You can buy the books here:
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Steal Like an Artist

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