Still On The Move

By Imani Johnson - October 14, 2020

"Will she ever be still."
Some of you were wondering when you found out I picked up from Jacksonville, Florida and moved to Atlanta, Georgia.

The short answer is, no. 

I have no intentions of being still, especially while I'm young and am still able to move.

I found a job here in Atlanta that has allowed me to check to two major things off my list. 
  1. To work for a black person
  2. To work in fashion
These may sound like little things but anyone in the fashion industry can tell you that it is rare. 
Matter of fact, simply finding a job in the fashion industry during a pandemic when no one cares about fashion and everyone is essentially wearing the stretchiest clothes possible is even more rare. 

So, for this opportunity I am grateful. 

In Jacksonville I felt stagnant, like I wasn't getting anything of importance completed, or even really meeting the people I need to really put me on within the industry. 

I mean after all no one thinks of Jacksonville, Florida when they think of fashion.

So when the opportunity arose, or more like I created the opportunity and accepted the position, it was time for my next chapter of 2020, moving to Atlanta.

I've been here for two and a half weeks now and I've already got to experience a lot more here than in Jacksonville. I've met so many people who are entrepreneurs, working on their hustle and it's been inspiring just how many black creatives are within this city.

Atlanta reminds me a little bit of New York, people are grinding, there is always something to do, and always people to meet. 
But, here the weather is better and Atlanta doesn't beat you down, chew you up and spit you out, in the same way New York does. 

Atlanta is kinder, people are friendlier. It could be do to the weather or most likely it's the southern culture of niceties that I was raised on. Either way, so far I'm loving Atlanta and I can see why they are having a large influx of people moving here. 

I made this outfit from some furry jackets I had got last Christmas but didn't really have a chance to wear. What doesn't get worn gets, chopped up by me or sent to Goodwill. I was able to give these jackets a new life.

I created this bubble gum set because the set I had made previously had been so dark, and mood dampening. I had created an outfit inspired from the Pandemic completely made from backpacks and all in black.
 I needed a little pick me up after making something so heavy and this outfit set came to fruition.

I was the set designer, the make-up artist, the stylist, the designer and the photographer for this shoot. 
I am really proud of the way it turned out and am happy the way my cousin Kania was really able to evoke the feeling I was trying to portray with this look through her modeling.

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