Feminist (adj): advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights to women equal to those of men
Since I haven't had much experience in the political, legal or economic aspects of feminism I am going to be focusing more on the social.
Why am I a Feminist?
Why when walking to school on 2 different occasions I was honked at by a car?
Why when I wear something semi-revealing I get gawked at by the opposite and same sex?
How come when I make a sexual joke it's a big deal?
How come when I see others girls talking to multiple boys they are considered hoes?
Why does the school dress code seemed to be specifically targeted at girls?
What I go through or have seen...
I am walking down the street to school in some leggings and an over-sized shirt and a car honks at me, no, it is not a compliment.
If I am feeling confident enough in myself that day that I want to wear a mini skirt or I want to show a little cleavage it is not an invitation to stare at me, it is not an invitation to harass me about it and say "OOOOO IMANI SHOWING OFF HER TITTIES TODAY!!!" or "LOOK AT THEM LONG LEGS! *touches my legs and tries to pull down my skirt*"
Or I say something perverted and everyone just stares blankly, then whispers to their friends, "What did she just say?" "Ewww, she is so nasty, she must be a freak."
Or a girl one day is talking to one guy and the next talking to another, some of my friends would say, "She a hoe, she with a different nigga everyday." "She probably suck dick."
My school dress code is skirts and shorts fingertip length, no shoulders showing, no back showing, no see through shirts (even with a tank top), no showing midriff, no holes in the pants at the thigh, when wearing leggings your butt must be covered
What guys go through...
You never really hear about a guy being honked at and if they do I am not a guy so I don't know how they feel about it.
A guy has his shirt off, does get stared at, then begins to flex and show off his muscles while people do continue to stare but say nothing to him directly just whisper to their friends, "You see that guy over their he is sexy and dat body doe!"
A guy says something perverted the whole entire class laughs as if Kevin Hart told a joke.
A guy talks to a girl one day and another the next, other guys would be like "Man he probably hitting both of them bitches, I aint mad at him." Girls would say, " OMG he is such a player! *two days later one of the girls is talking to that same guy*"
Guys dress code: No sagging, no shirts without sleeves
Although woman have made many social advancements in society from where we were at, these things still continue and until society realizes that it's okay for woman to be sexual beings and it's not okay for someone to make judgments on woman and to make a big deal about it because of what they where. Until the education system realizes that its dress code is sexist. Until woman realize that it is not fair and they deserve better. Until men realize that these things are not okay to do or say.
I am going to remain a feminist
and when feminist men and woman unite and take a stand against these inequalities I am going to be among them.
What do you think? Are you a Feminist? Has any of these things happened to you or have you seen it?
Outfit Details
Shirt: Goodwill
Fur Vest: Forever 21
Pants: Old
Shoes: Dr. Martens
Hat: Similar Here
I have a big dream. A fantasy that I am creating.
I want to be a fashion designer. Have a recognizable brand that people feels represents them as a person.
I want to be an inspiration for people.
I want to create a fashion magazine for black teens. So that people of color can have more of a presence in the fashion industry.
I want to provide people with a different version of the world, one that makes people think.
That is my fantasy I am building through this blog and through my life.
My goal is to make this fantasy become a reality.
What is your fantasy?
Outfit Details
Sweater: Goodwill
Skirt: Forever21
Tights: Similar Here
Shoes: Similar Here
Lipstick: Melt DGAF
art (noun): the quality, production, expression, or realm,
according to aesthetic principles,
of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.
Everything is art. The mountains, trees, clothes, books. Our bodies are art. The universe is art. The Earth is art.
Having this mindset allows me to see that everything is beautiful, it allows me to see the world with an open mind and heart and to embrace this art that I am enveloped by. It is amazing.
The next time you see something, anything, do not take it for granted see it as art and embrace it wholly.
![]() |
Outfit Details
ART Shirt: Msfts Rep
Bandanna Shorts: Made by me
Choker: Etsy
Necklace: Tiffany's
I am not saying that I am God....
To me this shirt is about questioning the stereotypes.
Societies general thought of God is as a white male. But, has anybody even seen God and had the chance to report on it?
Why can't God be a woman and black?
Matter of fact,
Who said God was even a person?
If God was a person, it would make more sense for he to be a she. Since God created the Earth and gave birth to many things and is a caretaker sounds more womanly than manly.
But, I believe that God is not a person but, a type of pure undefinable energy.
This is not me saying that your perception is wrong, and that your belief system is flawed.
This is just me asking you to question things no matter how controversial.
We all need something to believe in, for some people that need is to believe that God is that stereotype of a male and white. For me that need is believing that God is a pure undefinable energy.
What do you think?
Outfit Details
Shirt: Ebay
Pants: Wet Seal
Shoes: Puma's
Skirt: Made Tank: Target Shoes: Reebok |
Have you guys ever gotten to the point of just 'not caring'.
It took me a loooonnnnnggggg time before I got to that point.
I cared too much about what people said, thought, heard about me.
I was just self- conscious and not confident in myself.
I felt like that with my appearance and my ability to play volleyball.
Everything really changed for me at the end of last year.
I got closer with some friends and I loved and was also jealous of their 'easy-going' attitude.
Nothing seemed to really bother them.
If they heard that somebody said something about them they would say something like,
"Oh, and I'm supposed to care because?"
or simply in the true teenage way
That was life changing for me.
Sure, they were some what of 'slackers' but it taught me not to be so hard on myself and care too much
and to just do me.
Pinafore: Rainbow Hat: TJmaxx Shoes: Converse |
Long time no post!!!
This summer has been busy from the very beginning and life kinda got in the way.
I went to go visit family for a couple of weeks in New Jersey!
I love the north and the city even though I am a suburban southern girl!
Then, I had a Volleyball camp to go to.
Three whole days with girls.....
BUT, I did learn a lot and despite the girl drama, I had fun.
Now, school is near, I have not even begun summer reading and I have yet to Tie Dye a shirt
(that was on my summer bucket list)
At least, I have had a chance to sew and I will be showing you what I made so stay tuned!!!
Shirt: Msfts Pants: Wet Seal Shoes: Converse Lipstick Melt DGAF |
(I think this is my pose) |
This is like my go to shirt when I don't know what to wear.
It is literally a crossword puzzle on the shirt.
People always stop me and stare at my shirt in the hallways just to see if they can find a word.
Yes, it is awkward.
It is literally a crossword puzzle on the shirt.
People always stop me and stare at my shirt in the hallways just to see if they can find a word.
Yes, it is awkward.
Isn't this blue lipstick AMAZING!!
I usually never tried anything this bold before, but I love it!
I stalked the website for like a month to see when it would come back in stock.
When it did I bought it without hesitation!
I wish I could have given you guys a closer look at the color but follow them on Instagram: @meltcosmetics to see some better pics of it.
I stalked the website for like a month to see when it would come back in stock.
When it did I bought it without hesitation!
I wish I could have given you guys a closer look at the color but follow them on Instagram: @meltcosmetics to see some better pics of it.
Hat: Forever21 Shirt: Target Shorts:Thrifted Shoes: Converse |
Some of us are just rebels without a cause.
Rebelling just because we can.
My challenge for you is to find something worth rebelling for.
Find the thing that you would argue over.
Find the thing that you love.
Find the thing that you would fight for.
I rebel against the mundane.
My cause is the inhumane slaughtering of animals that we eat for our enjoyment.
What is your cause, your rebellion?
Flower Crown: DIY Shirt: Made by me Shorts: Thrifted Shoes: Reebok |
Sorry Lana Del Rey,
But summertime is for happiness
School is almost out (9 more days, yes I am counting down),
and once it is over you can bet I am going to pull a High School Musical and dance throughout the hallways!
Summer is a time for freedom, creativity, fun, love, and lots of other things.
I am just sooooo excited!
BTW: The top and flower crown I am wearing I made.
If you guys want a DIY on the flower crown let me know!
Leave a comment or e-mail me at imani.ladybug98@gmail.com
Ten facts about me:
- Like most teenagers, music is life, and I could give you a list of ALL my faves but, I will stick to my repeats: Kid Cudi is my man and currently unavailable because he is being occupied by me! I rep MSFTS and love Jaden Smith and of course Willow. I can't live without some old school so The Roots, The Fugees, Erykah Badu, Outkasts, and Jill Scott I love.
- Favorite Color is blue!!!!!
- Shout out to them Pisces! My birthday is February 21, 1998.
- The Giver is my favorite book of all time. They are supposed to be making a movie from it but from what I saw it is not about to be true to the book, but I am probably still going to watch it.
- I love shoes but hate them at the same time. They are all so pretty and I want a lot of shoes but, the first thing I do when I get comfortable somewhere is take them off.
- I am a nerd (somewhat) I get A's and B's. I find learning something new interesting but, school, I am not too crazy about.
- I love reading and looking at style and DIY blogs so if you have any faves let me know!!! Leave a comment or e-mail me or something.
- If I were too name my style it would be The Random Old School Hipster. Some people don't like the word "hipster" but I look at it as a movement of originality and personal expression.
- My favorite numbers 9...
- My dream is too become a fashion designer!!!!
Striped Shirt: Charlotte Russe Plaid Shirt: Thrifted Skirt: Love Culture Shoes: Reebok |
Sometimes life gets waaayy more complicated then it needs to be.
I am only 16 and life should be fun and happy and carefree.
Not, stressful, burdensome, and saddening.
I want to get back to that point of youth.
I just want to change and have new fun experiences, meet new people, learn new things.
On another note, some people viewing my blog might be interested in learning some fun facts about me or why I named my blog Tales of a Lame or something.
So my next post is going to be ten facts about me!!!
If you have any questions you might want to ask me you can leave a comment or e-mail me:
Shirt: Forever 21 Overalls: Charlotte Russe Shoes: Dr. Martens |
Shirt: Charlotte Russe Blazer: Made By Me Skirt: Charlotte Russe Shoes: Converse |
People say galaxy stuff is out, I don't think so.
Shirt: Forever 21 Skirt: Charlotte Russe Shoes: Pastry |
Sorry for my serious lack of posting.
But, I am gonna do better!
So, here is the catch up on me:
Volleyball has been life recently...
Honors Biolgy and English aint no joke...
I am trying to get my drive back,
School killed it...
I am starting to think lazy truly is my middle name...
The Lame is back!!!
The Lame is back!!!