Imma Do Me

By Imani Johnson - July 26, 2014

Skirt: Made Tank: Target Shoes: Reebok

Have you guys ever gotten to the point of just 'not caring'.

It took me a loooonnnnnggggg time before I got to that point. 
I cared too much about what people said, thought, heard about me.
I was just self- conscious and not confident in myself. 
I felt like that with my appearance and my ability to play volleyball. 

Everything really changed for me at the end of last year. 
I got closer with some friends and I loved and was also jealous of their 'easy-going' attitude.
Nothing seemed to really bother them. 
If they heard that somebody said something about them they would say something like,
"Oh, and I'm supposed to care because?" 
or simply in the true teenage way

That was life changing for me.
Sure, they were some what of  'slackers' but it taught me not to be so hard on myself and care too much
and to just do me.

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